Hear ye hear ye! We are getting married

The date is October 11 2024 and we would like you to be a part of it.

(Yoda voice) Met we how

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Austin, where tacos reign supreme and music fills the air, there lived two individuals for whom God planned to make into one.

Their paths crossed in the most modern of ways—on the dating app called Hinge. Ali, looking for that special man, was drawn to Andrew's dashing demeanor and sleeveless mowing pic. Andrew, intrigued by Ali's professed loyalty to the papacy and profile picture of her with a goat, knew he had to swipe right.

Their first date at a humble beer garden was a smashing success, despite the fact that Ali does not drink. They bonded over their shared love of cats, mutual values, and desserts of all kinds... Ali was charmed by Andrew's sense of humor, while Andrew was so enamored he asked for a kiss before the night was over (she said no).

After their next date (she said yes) where they got top 30 in trivia as team "Hey you in the blue shirt," Ali and Andrew quickly found in each other a real chance at the kind of love that makes life wonderful. Their love story continues on October 11th, and we hope to see you there!


Where and when



We will be wedded, permanently. The church is St. Martin De Porres and the address is 230 Post Oak Dr, Dripping Springs, TX 78620. Be sure to go to the main church and not the small chapel or event center which are further back!

Cocktail hour / Reception


Reception is at Memory Lane, 403 K C Memory Ln, Dripping Springs, TX 78620.

Dress Code is semi-formal. No shoes, no shirt, no service.

Engagement Pics

What are you waiting for?

We would greatly appreciate if you could RSVP before August 16